The Respect Life Office, Arch Diocese of Miami, co-hosted with the Miami Arch-diocesan Council of Catholic Women and the Office of Youth Ministry, Archdiocese of Miami, presented our first annual Chastity Day. Our views were given to Catholic Schools that all met at three different high schools on February 11, 12, and 13, 2003. This page shows the events that happened on February 12th at Arch Bishop Coleman Carroll High School. All were 8th graders coming from the following schools: St. Agnes, St. Kevin, Epiphany, Sacred Heart, St. Agatha, Blessed Trinity, Little Flower, Holy Rosary, St. John Neumann, and Sts. Peter & Paul. The total students that day was 550, with a total of 1476 students over the course of the 3 day event. This presentation was to put forth the views that so often differ from what the world is telling them. The theme on the sticker for each student said "I am worth waiting for." The presentation was about 4 hours long each day. The students seemed to really listen, and receive the good message we were telling them.

Word of God, Teach us the Wisdom of Love (56804 bytes)

The Word of God: The Wisdom of Love

Arch Bishop Coleman Carroll High School (41838 bytes)

Arch Bishop Coleman Carroll High School

 (41838 bytes)

Alex & Sasha 007

 (44996 bytes)

Sasha & Alex 052

 (57421 bytes)

Anna 089

 (45035 bytes)

Students 013

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Students 014

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Students 015

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Students 017

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Students 025

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Students 068

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Students 083

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Students 084

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Students 091

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Students 092

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Students 102

 (36539 bytes)

Barbara 026

 (39918 bytes)

Barbara 029

 (42639 bytes)

Barbara 031

 (38844 bytes)

Barbara 033

 (38458 bytes)

Barbara 035

 (36539 bytes)

Barbara 039

 (33510 bytes)

Julia 010

 (33510 bytes)

Collen 069

 (31099 bytes)

David 048

 (32818 bytes)

Girrard 040

 (33510 bytes)

Girrard 042

 (45895 bytes)

Student 066

 (43882 bytes)

Ice Breakers 022


 (41803 bytes)

Ice Breakers 023

 (35752 bytes)

Ice Breakers 024

 (43359 bytes)

Gladys & Lilly 085

 (47015 bytes)

Gladys & Lilly 098

 (41230 bytes)

Ice Breakers 008

 (40701 bytes)

Masks 049

 (40952 bytes)

Signs 005












